Recognized as one of the Top Pet Sitting Services
Prices below reflect taxi service for up to 3 pets. If you have more please call for quote.
- $30.00 Same Day Round Trip To Paws on The Geaux Pet Resort
- $40.00 Same Day Round Trip To Other Facilities
IN HOME PET SITTING (When you're out of town for cats and small animals only)
This service includes plenty of TLC for your Fur and Feathered Family Members, taking in the mail and papers, cleaning litter box daily for cats, administering any medications needed, changing food and water, watering plants when requested, turning lights on and off.
- **NEW** Kitty Pit Stop $20.00 15 Minute daily visit to refresh kitty's litter, food, and water. ( This price is not for homes with more than 3 cats or cats that require Medical care. Extra charges for homes with cats over 3 or need medical care.)
***Please Book a free Initial Consultation BEFORE booking a Mobile Service, thank you.
Call or email for an appointment 337-214-5310 or 337-263-1597. [email protected]***