Paws on the Geaux Pet Resort Boarding
- Pets Must be Friendly with People
- Current Vaccinations: Rabies, Dhlppc, Bordetella, and Canine Influenza
- $45 Per Day for First Pet and $15 Per Day for each additional Pet if they can Board in the same Room (Limit 3 pets per room for small pets and 2 per room for large pets)
- A 50% Deposit is required at the time of Reservation. If you cancel the day before or the day of the Boarding Reservation or within 72 Hours of a Holiday Boarding Reservation the Deposit is Forfeit.
- We have 6x6 and 8x8 rooms equipped with Dog TV, Raised Beds and Blankets, and Outdoor Kennel Access via Doggy Door during business hours.
- You can choose from a daily walk or 30 minute playtime in our indoor playroom for your pet(s).
- You can bring your pet(s) own bed, toys, and treats so they're more comfortable if you wish.
- We give medications as needed.
- We encourage you to bring your pet(s) own food so there is no stomach upset. If you use our food it is Pedigree and it is an extra charge of $3 per day.
- Peanut Butter Kong $3
- Any of the Grooming Services
- We offer a full Retail Shop and Bakery (fresh baked to Order)